- Two politicians join 22 others named in allegations of abuse in 1980s
- Form part of powerful ring of Westminster paedophiles, it is claimed
- MP John Mann said he was approached by victim who says he was abused
- Called for retired detectives to be granted amnesty from Secrets Act
- Scotland Yard is investigating allegations made by handful of ‘victims’
- The men, all now adults, say they were routinely abused by politicians
Scotland Yard has been handed the names of two more former Government ministers accused of sexually abusing children.
Campaigning MP John Mann said he was approached last week by a victim who claims to have been abused by the politicians – one a peer – in the 1980s and has passed the detailed allegations to detectives.
The latest phase in his search for the truth about a suspected Westminster child sex ring came as he called for retired detectives to be granted an unprecedented amnesty from the Official Secrets Act to help lift the lid on alleged VIP abusers.
Allowing former Special Branch officers who witnessed the alleged events to speak out could be central to bringing prosecutions, said Mr Mann. He has now called on Home Secretary Theresa May to lift Official Secrets Act restrictions.
The new allegations of child abuse emerged after the Bassetlaw MP handed a carefully-researched dossier about five paedophile rings to police with the names of 22 MPs. It includes 13 ex-ministers, at least two of whom are claimed to have gone to ‘abuse parties’ held at Dolphin Square, the luxury riverside estate in Pimlico which has been home to dozens of MPs.
However, Mr Mann said the latest claims, which involve two former politicians who are still alive, are ‘entirely separate’. ‘Someone has contacted me with some very precise allegations – not just the names but the basis of the allegations – and it is going straight to the police,’ he said.
He said the key to unlocking the truth behind the saga lies with retired Special Branch detectives who witnessed events and could be ‘absolutely critical’ in providing information to an investigation.
He said ‘a number’ of officers have contacted him, including one who has read a 50-page dossier of evidence amassed by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens which is now said to be missing.
He added: ‘It is clear there are a lot of people who could provide a lot of information, potentially vital information, to support ongoing criminal investigations.
‘But they are not doing so because of the Official Secrets Act. They are fearful of not only breaking the law but the potential effect on their pension. This is absolutely crucial if we are to get some of these ex-officers coming forward and to get prosecutions of some of the former MPs.’
Filed under: Articles Tagged: "British" Government, Abuse, BBC, Cancer, Child Abuse, Children, Conservative Party, Corrupt Politicians, Crime, Cyril Smith, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Harriet Harman, John Mann MP, Ken Clarke, Leon Brittan, Lib-Dem, Lord Janner, New Labour, Nick Clegg, Paedophile Information Exchange, Paedophilia, Rochdale Paedophiles, Sex criminals, Simon Danczuk, State-crime