The Expenses Scandal 2009: Remember all these crimes committed that we the People would have been imprisoned for?
References to ‘chauffeur-driven cars’ and a criminal arrest wiped from online biographies in run-up to election
Expense claims and a Westminster sex scandal were deleted from MPs’ Wikipedia pages by computers inside Parliament before the election, The Telegraph has found.
Details of a police arrest, electoral fraud allegation and the use of “chauffeur-driven cars” were also been wiped by people inside the Commons.
The revelation will raise suspicion MPs or their political parties deliberately hid information from the public online to make candidates appear more electable to voters.
More than a dozen online biographies of sitting MPs were doctored from computers with IP addresses owned by the Houses of Parliament in the run-up to the election.
Requests for comment were made to all the MPs in question via their party press offices, but just a handful replied to say the changes had nothing to do with them.
Anyone can edit Wikipedia, an online encyclopaedia kept up to date by users. However each change is tracked and linked to an IP address – a unique string of numbers that identifies each computer using an internet network.
By looking at the changes made by computers with IP addresses owned by the Houses of Parliament it is possible to see what edits are being made from inside the Commons.
The Telegraph has discovered persistent changes to MPs’ biographies made from Parliament in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to hide embarrassing information from the electorate.
Filed under: Articles Tagged: "British" Government, Abuse, Cancer, Conservative Party, Corrupt Politicians, Crime, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Expenses Scandal, Fraud, Harriet Harman, Ken Clarke, Leon Brittan, Lib-Dem, New Labour, Nick Clegg, State-crime, Thieves, Traitor, Treason