This site is obviously no friend of politicians. However, we are fair-minded and will recognise and congratulate sterling work undertaken by any politician of whatever party. To that end we applaud the work of Simon Danczuk MP and Tom Watson MP for their efforts in exposing the Westminster and Establishment paedophile ring. We recognise that they are are risking a certain amount of opprobrium and defensive attacks by those who are guilty.
Filed under: Articles Tagged: "British" Government, Abuse, BBC, Cancer, Child Abuse, Children, Conservative Party, Corrupt Politicians, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Harriet Harman, Ken Clarke, Leon Brittan, Lib-Dem, Lord Janner, New Labour, Nick Clegg, Paedophile Information Exchange, Paedophilia, Rochdale Paedophiles, Sex criminals, Simon Danczuk, State-crime