Theresa May: If she's making corrupt decisions over the child sex abuse inquiry, she'd better get used to seeing police officers [Image: Daily Telegraph].

Home Secretary Theresa May is to disband the panel for the overarching inquiry into child sex abuse, according to Exaro News.She wrote to each member of the panel at the end of last week to say that she is considering turning it into a statutory inquiry, or setting up a fresh statutory inquiry or a Royal Commission.

But her move has prompted fury among panel members. They are urging May to convert the inquiry to statutory status and keep the current panel.

You can read the rest of the article on the Exaro News website.

It seems Theresa May is saying she’ll get rid of the panel’s members in response to concerns about those members, raised by abuse survivors – but panel members have accused her of listening to a vocal minority set against the inquiry instead of the majority of those who have survived abuse.

Who could this minority be?

Well, in a leaked letter to Theresa May, panel member Sharon Evans states: “I was… informed by three men who did not know each other and all who described themselves as having no political axe to grind, that a senior politician has been having sex with young boys and his marriage is a sham.”

